A week or two ago, I asked my friend Bob Hall if he wanted to sail from Seattle to the Olypmic Peninsula, then ride our bikes around. The plan went through a few variations, but eventually we decided to sail to Port Townsend and bike for a couple days before he sailed back and I continued on a 3/4 bike loop around the peninsula ending in Olympia.
Day One:
We sailed out of Shilshole marina on his motorless 30-ft sailboat (which is also his house) We were headed through the Puget Sound North and a bit West to eventually land at Port Townsend, on the northeastern most corner of the Olypmic Penninsula. The wind was Northerly, so we had to tack NE and NW throughout the day to make progress. It got pretty choppy towards nightfall, and after the sun went down, it became more like whitewater rafting than sailing. I put on every layer of clothing I had with me plus about 3 more from Bob, including a full orange rubber suit. Cold splash came from the front and side and over us, the boat dove up and down over big waves, and the gimbled kerosene lamp inside swayed furiously. The only other light came from the half moon, a few occasional lights on the shore that crawled slowly by, and freight ships going by. I only started fearing for my life when I began wondering if the mast was supposed to be as horizontal as it was, and whether I was supposed to be able to stand flat on surfaces that were normally vertical. Bob picked that choice moment to me remind me of the woman who flipped her kayak a week ago and died of hypothermia in 30 minutes. He also mentioned that "this would be a really shit time to fall in. If you think I could see your head bobbing out there between the dark waves, you're totally wrong." Thanks Bob.
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