Got to California on Sunday around noon, rented a car, and drove up to the ridgeline on the SF penninsula. I went to Corte de Madera open space preserve where I took a solid hike and the pictures below. The preserve is comprised mostly of new growth redwood forest on westward facing slopes, with streams running through it and down towards the Pacific. On the hike I saw the state tree, bird, and flower (redwood, quail, and poppy, respectively). After that, it was down to Sunnyvale for food and work.
the trail

pineapple weed
(when you rub it, it smells just like pineapple)

an old growth redwood and I
(this one was 1500 years old and 225' at its highest)

a golden poppy
aaahnnd...just like that you're hiking in California. Pretty cool.
viva el cinco de mayo
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